Our Forever Founders
DonateI nterWe were thrilled to launch Outer Banks Forever in 2019 to help protect and enhance our three Outer Banks national parks: Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Wright Brothers National Memorial and Fort Raleigh National Historic Site.
Our Forever Founders have invested $1,000 or more in our Outer Banks national parks since our launch. We are so grateful for their commitment to building a strong foundation of support for our parks!
We’d like to give a special thank you to these individuals, businesses, and foundations for their generosity:
The Bray Family
Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative
Eastern National
National Park Foundation
Outer Banks Visitors Bureau
Swells’a Brewing Beer Company
REAL Watersports, Watermen’s Bar & Grill and Watermen’s Retreat
Anderegg Family Foundation
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History
Carolina Brewery
Dare County
Jim and Betty Mast
Sandra and Jeff Tripp
Vacasa LLC
Atlantic Union Bank
Jim and Sue Bacon
Bass Pro Shops
George Doumar
Mary Helen Goodloe-Murphy
Bridget Hart
Matt and Lauren Imboden
OBX Beverage Company
Greg and Eden Honeycutt
Ocean Atlantic Rentals
Paul and Amy Orser
Betsy Werley and Bob Plows
Dane and Karen Blythe
Mrs. Bobbi Brammer
Malcolm and Patricia Brown
Thomas Cafferty
Cape Clasp
Lori Cochran
William Cole
Brenda Cummins
Yates Dew
Rev. Darby and Tom Everhard
Susan and Paul Flythe
Frisco Woods Campground
Hilton and Glenda Haines
Chris Johnson
Daniel and Jennifer Johnson
Kevin and Michele Kissling
Kitty Hawk Rotary
Cat and Charlie Lineberry
Peter Martins
Linda Meyers
Colleen Minard
Nancy and Jim Myers
NC 12 Realty
Outer Banks Lighthouse Society
Robert Poitras
Pony Island Inn
Tracy and Daves Reaves-Allen
Victoria Robinson
Ron and Paula Withrow Foundation
Kimberly Robertson
Jason Scarpello
Susan Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Hoabinh Sharp
Leslie Skowronek
Michael E. Smith
Sun Realty of Nags Head Inc.
James and Angela Tawes
Monica Thibodeau
Joe and Tami Thompson
Two Roads Tavern
Melinda Van Buren
Susan Vernon, in loving memory of Victor Vernon III
Marley Williams
William Weiss
Dennis and Julia Whalen
Marley Williams
Shannon Winakur
Tom and Joy Wood and family
Have questions about how you can support our Outer Banks national parks? Contact Nicole Erickson, Interim Director/Development Manager at NicoleErickson@obxforever.org or (252) 432-4543.